ANZ Vasculitis Registry
ANZ Vasculitis Registry
The Australia and New Zealand Vasculitis Quality and Disease Registry (ANZVASC-QDR)
In 2024, after several years of work, ANZVASC established a vasculitis registry in partnership with Monash University.
The Registry’s initial focus will be on ANCA-associated vasculitis and forms of large vessel vasculitis, in the areas of
- Quality Improvement
- Research
- Education
- Collaboration
The ANZVASC-QDR aims to
- Improve quality of care by
- providing clinical quality data to units
- assessing patient reported outcomes to improve the understanding of the effects of vasculitis on quality of life
- reporting on the care of vasculitis in Australia and New Zealand
- Establish a resource to support research
- Establish national and international collaborations
- Assist in the education and training of vasculitis professionals
The Registry can also:
- Serve as a platform for future registry linked clinical trials
- Perform post-marketing and other surveillance of new therapies and practices
Registry Governance
The Registry is hosted by Monash University. It uses REDCap, a secure and easy to use web-based application. Data is stored securely at the Monash University Helix Data Platform
The Registry has been approved by the Monash Health Human Research Ethics Committee (Australian national recognition) and the Auckland District Health Board Health and Disability Ethics Committee (New Zealand)
The ANZVASC Registry Committee advises the Registry on policy and activities. A data access and publications policy is available here Registry Data Access and Use Policy
Registry Structure
The Registry is based on Initial Data Entry, followed by an Annual Follow-Up. Its structure is pragmatic and flexible to allow additional entries. The format of the Registry is shown here:

Participating Sites
As of late 2024, several units have joined the registry:
- Monash Health, VIC
- The Central Adelaide Local Health Network, SA
- Western Sydney Local Health District, NSW
- The Prince of Wales Hospital, NSW
- The Alfred Hospital, VIC
- Auckland Hospital, NZ
- Waikato Hospital, NZ
In early 2025, further hospital networks and units will join the registry.
CSL-Seqirus/Vifor is acknowledged for providing and unrestricted grant to assist in establishing and maintaining the ANZVASC-Quality and Disease Registry