Patient Stories
Patient Stories
Chronic diseases such as Vasculitis can leave one with the feeling of isolation and the belief that no one else has endured the trials and tribulations of the disease. Here we feature a number of real life stories to remind our patients that you are not alone in this journey.

Leanne’s Story
My name is Leanne. I am 42 years old and I have been sick for 6 years with autoimmune vasculitis (Small Vessel). It affects my blood vessels and in turn affects my brain (nervous system) and my organs, including my eyes, skin, liver and bowel..

Nicole’s Story
I was an otherwise healthy 37 year old. I am the carer of my husband Matt, who has Cystic Fibrosis. He essentially
looks after himself now that he’s had a double lung transplant and is now very healthy..
looks after himself now that he’s had a double lung transplant and is now very healthy..

Deb and Ricky’s Story
Ricky was born in January 1990, a healthy baby boy and developed
normally. He was always healthy and was introduced to Teeball
when he was in year one and so started his love for sport. From
that introduction..
normally. He was always healthy and was introduced to Teeball
when he was in year one and so started his love for sport. From
that introduction..